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About Us

Redefining Med-Tech Education

Bridging Your Learning Needs Through Every Step

Global Healthcare Academy (GHA) is India’s first Med-Ed Tech Academy. GHA has been instituted with a mission to develop Competent and Compassionate Human Resources for the Healthcare sector. GHA has adopted Technology as an enabler in every learning process. Our Core purpose is to bridge the skill & knowledge gap between formal education and the needs of the Healthcare Industry. GHA has 5 Academic verticals:
  1.  Allied Healthcare – Paramedical Courses
  2. Continuing Medical Education (CME)
  3. Global Dental Academy (GDA)
  4. Global Healthcare Publishing (GHP)
  5. GHA Conferences
The distinguishing features of GHA training include the following: intense collaboration at every stage between practitioners and tutors – from conception and formulation of training programmes; enlisting of faculty with sufficient work experience; case-based learning from real-life situations and practice-oriented learning methodologies. GHA is led, managed, and advised by reputed Doctors and Healthcare professionals.


Our mission is to develop competent & compassionate human resources for the healthcare sector & promote innovative solutions & enterprises in the healthcare sector.



To become the world’s most sought-after Institute for basic allied & advanced healthcare education.

Enhancing your learning through technology & best resources

About Our Experiential Learning

Virtual reality (VR) technology is emerging as a powerful tool in medical training and is proven by multiple studies to be 500% more effective in training/skill mastery.
Simulation has long been a valuable method in medical education as it involves techniques that imitate prehospital patient situations and facilitates the learning and development of psychomotor skills to demonstrate procedural skills, decision-making and critical thinking without affecting the patient.
GHA plans to deliver these immersive VR training courses to more than 20,000 healthcare professionals globally in 2022. This will be one of the largest deployments of VR-based training in the world.

Our Board of Directors


Dr. B. S. Ajaikumar

Executive Chairman
Healthcare Global Enterprises Ltd

Mrs. Anitha Niranjan

Global Healthcare Academy - GHA

Academic Council

GHA Academic Council (AC) consists of distinguished doctors and healthcare professionals. The AC members guide the GHA Faculty and staff in the design and delivery of all GHA courses, such as courses in Allied Healthcare, continuing medical education and other programs. The AC members are highly accomplished physicians and researchers in different medical specialities.
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