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The Rise Of Smart Beds: Is This The New Dawn In Healthcare Space?

The Rise Of Smart Beds


DEC 2023

The Rise Of Smart Beds

Is This The New Dawn In Healthcare Space?

During our growing-up years, the early memory of a typical hospital bed reminds us of a basic fixed metal structure that was in use until a decade ago. Back then, various medical equipment & devices had to be separately connected to the patient for monitoring purposes. Today, the scenario has changed, and hospital beds have been given a technology makeover too!

Technology is at the forefront and is galloping at a rapid pace where its influence and integration have clearly defined new avenues in every industry as we witness it today. The only thing technology hadn’t influenced so far were the age-old hospital beds. With its rapid foray into the healthcare domain, the use of advanced smart beds has redefined the way we look at healthcare altogether.

These smart beds are loaded with outstanding futuristic features for providing modern healthcare, allowing hospital facilities, and furniture to be integrated into a unified system. With the aid of cutting-edge monitoring and control capabilities, the smart beds feature innovative technology which connects the beds to the hospital and is intended to enhance user experience and efficiency while improving the likelihood of prompt and painless patient recovery.

The smart beds feature distinctive capabilities like wireless control and automation features, which enable the users to experience rest, comfort, and well-being to a whole new level. They also offer to transmit patient-critical information wirelessly to doctors' who are remotely based using smart devices.

Different Types Of Hospital Beds

Smart beds are categorized based on the type of hospital care needed i.e., curative, long-term, and rehabilitative care needs.

  • Critical Care beds
  • Long-term Care beds
  • Bariatric Care beds
  • Medical-Surgical Care beds
  • Pediatric Care beds
  • Maternal Care beds
  • Home Care Facility beds

Impact Of COVID-19 & The Need For More Smart Beds

Since the global COVID-19 surge, there has been an unprecedented need for cutting-edge healthcare infrastructure and services to treat the affected population. Medical/hospital beds, particularly ICU beds, are in high demand globally & are considered one of the fundamental & indispensable components of healthcare services.

However, the capacity of the available healthcare beds is insufficient due to the current, rapidly worsening COVID-19 issue in a few countries, and the global healthcare sector is currently facing a shortage of hospital beds.

Some of the other factors that have fuelled the demand for smart beds are as follows:

  • An increasing number of elderly populations
  • People with long-term illnesses who are confined to beds.
  • Conventional hospital beds are being upgraded to technologically advanced smart beds with integrated healthcare facilities.
  • Rise of chronic diseases
  • Infectious diseases

The rise of smart hospital beds is a trend that is changing the way healthcare is delivered to patients. These beds are equipped with advanced technology that allows for greater patient comfort and safety, as well as improved communication between healthcare providers.

One of the key features of smart hospital beds is their ability to automatically adjust to the patient's needs. For example, they can automatically adjust the head and foot angles, as well as the firmness of the mattress, to ensure optimal positioning for the patient. These beds are ergonomically designed & can be easily accessed by caregivers for each entry and exit. This can help to reduce the risk of bedsores, as well as improve overall patient comfort.

Another important feature of smart hospital beds is their ability to monitor the patient's vital signs. This includes monitoring heart rate, glucose level monitoring, blood pressure, and oxygen levels, which can help healthcare providers quickly detect any potential problems and take the necessary action to address them. We recently discovered Dozee, a smart bed company that uses cutting-edge technology to improve patient care. Dozee's beds are equipped with sensors that can track a patient's vital signs, such as heart rate, respiration rate, and blood pressure. This information can then be used to provide real-time feedback to healthcare providers, allowing them to make more informed decisions about patient care.

In addition to its patient monitoring capabilities, Dozee's beds also offer several features that can improve patient comfort and sleep quality. These features include adjustable bed positions, built-in massage functions, and a variety of sleep-promoting technologies.

Dozee's smart beds are a valuable tool for healthcare providers and patients alike. They can help to improve patient care, reduce hospital readmission rates, and ultimately save lives.

In addition to these features, smart hospital beds also come equipped with communication systems that allow healthcare providers to communicate with each other and with the patient in real-time. This can greatly improve the coordination of care and help to ensure that the patient receives the best possible treatment in the shortest possible time.

To conclude, the need for smart hospital beds in the healthcare sector is clear, as they can help to improve patient outcomes and reduce the risk of complications. With the increasing use of technology in the healthcare space, we will likely see more and more smart hospital beds in use in the coming years, which will help manufacturers and researchers improve the quality of care for patients and make healthcare more efficient than ever.


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